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Cast of Characters


Chief- Dan Hanson

Indian Princess- Courtney Rowley 

Medicine Man- Bryan Clark

Spear Thrower- Bryce Sturman 


Voices, Lights & Sound By:

Ross Diercks, Norma Langston, Joel Richardson, Erika Potter, Paige Potter, Isaha Richardson, Joz Potter, Doug Greenough, and Willy Wilcox.



Wagon Master- John Sampers

Joshua/Drunk- John Thayer and Dan Hanson 

Drunks Wife- Chris Thayer

Kate- Tessa Manning

Clyde- Weldon Tschacher/Blake Miller

Mountain Men- Jerrid Blair

Scouts- Joe McDaniel

Indian Translater- 

Prayer Scene- Blakely, Braxton, and Erin Hodge

Girls making fun of Kate- Molly Mosley, Bryn Bruch, and Riley Shaw 

White Arrow Fainter- Riley Shaw

Father de Schmidt: Will Boldon 


(307)-334-4104    Lusk WY 82225

P.O. Box 806, Lusk, WY 82225  

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